ll i hear: "you cannot be what I cannot fathom." An angel w/o winds; a faggot space no longer queer.
There's a severe alienation in being transgender. Missing tooth and old shoes i am not to be seen, i do not want to be seen, as that, now and here, is to be misunderstood. i cannot fathom the freedom of knowing your body is a true representative. Some day, my body, a true representative, will still have this missing tooth and still wear those old choes. It's been miserable, lately, watching all these queer people run around and assimilate, disconnected from action and anything stronger than a neglected petition or paraphrased tiktok. It's been miserable watching pride alliances do nothing for their communities but foster an elementary sense of understanding as to who and what we are: Ah, the elevator-pitch of Marsha P. Johnson; this is the difference between bi & pansexual; this is what a transgender could be, and it's not polite to look at hir sideways; we're obligated to remind you not to look funny at Black people, either; Be Gay Do Crime and wag your clean white fingers at diy hrt, at rioters; only wear clothes that are listed on amazon or yesstyle under your aesthetic core; never forget to disclose- ah, describe yourself, never forget that in omitting your mental illnesses from a carrd leaves you liable for any and all damage caused; you are always the victim; keep close and public detail of your innumerable microlabels, including your aesthetic branch; reduce the self reduce yourself, reduce, reduce, reduce
Truly, i could just be bitter and angry. i've never had a sense of community, and everywhere i try to find it i'm met with trans "punks" in shein, pansexuals, neo-puritan olymics side-by-side the fight among white queers socialized online to prove they're the most oppressed as a result of neurodivergency with would likely be diagnosed as a form of generalized anxiety disorder if only social media in the 2010s hadn't so severely infantalized the disorder, and people with ugly, faux personalities, only capable of repeating infographics and spreading, in a sweet voice, uncomfortable views on Jews, cishet (an excuse, the word can/is meant to be ommitted) Black people, and the poor pushed into "criminality."